Sunday, July 02, 2006

Who is your 'gasm?

I found a quiz online that figures out which member of "Tourgasm" you are. Unfortunately, its inside a site which doesn't allow direct linking but will allow code copying. So I have posted it here so that all "Tourgasm" fans can take it.

Who is your 'gasm?

If you could be one of the comedians from Tourgasm, who would you be- Dane Cook, Jay Davis, Gary Gulman or Robert Kelly?

  1. Your act is two years old. You write a new joke set. It contains:

  2. profanity


    info about your ex

    all of the above

  3. You and your friends go rollerblading and have a race. You are:

  4. going the wrong direction

    hanging onto your friends

    wiped out

    first by any means necessary

  5. Your significant other breaks up with you via email while you're on tour. You

  6. nail anything that will let you

    watch porn and surf dating websites

    find a new girlfriend--your buddy's sister

    write jokes about them

  7. Your friends are having a fight. You

  8. sit back and write jokes.

    end it.

    started it.

    stay out of it.

  9. Porn and profanity are:

  10. part of life-deal with it.


    okay, depending on the circumstances.

    whatever the people currently around me think they are.

Thanks for taking the quiz.
If you score 16-20, you are a Dane.
If you score 11-15, you are a Jay.
If you score 6-10, you are a Gary.
If you score 0 (like, huh?) to 5, you are a Robert.

Note: this is alphabetical only, there is no preference indicated by the numbers.

Be sure to watch "Tourgasm" every Sunday night on HBO at 11 pm EST/10 CST starting June 11, 2006!

I'm a Jay. Which is cool with me!

MOM (minister of mayhem)

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